Monday, May 12, 2008

Two Roads Traveled

Us Production Staff guys have a little on-going bet about the most efficient direction to leave when exiting the parking lot at the church. Some like to take the route with lots of turns because they feel it is "shorter", while others of us prefer the long straight-away. The argument being made by me is that I would rather drive 5 extra feet and not wear out my tires, while I see some of the other guys (Micah and Stew) taking the curvy route and therefore making more trips to the tire store. But don't take it from me. I was outside today and decided to take two pics. One of my front tire and one of Micah's. The better tread is mine (of course) as Micah's tire reflects months of driving through the parking lot on two wheels as he rounds the corners to beat me out of the parking lot. I look forward to seeing those new'll need them soon.


Micah Huebner said...

Hey, I've had those tires for like 3 years. I am just trying to get home quicker to read my Bible and pray more.

Leslie O said...

Yes, Grasshopper, but the road less traveled, the long straight road, creates less friction. Life lesson, little Grasshopper, learn from the Master David.