Sunday, May 25, 2008

A lesson in giving

This past Friday Night, Joshua had his first piano recital. He did a great job! He is definitely comfortable in front of a crowd. After finishing his second piece, he bowed for an extended time while "the crowd went wild". He took a quick moment in the middle of the bow to wink at his fellow competitors. ...such a good sport...

Anyway, when he finished the recital his "Pops" gave him a 5 dollar bill as a reward for doing such a great job. Joshua was excited, as you could imagine any 6 year old would be. I mean, you can do a lot with 5 dollars. When he showed the 5 dollars to me that night I asked what he planned on doing with it. Without even blinking an eye he replied, "I'm going to give it in the offering at church." I immediately asked, "how much are you planning on giving?", just to hear the reply, "all of it!" Wow! When we got home from church today, one of the first things Joshua told me was that he gave the 5 dollars at church. We talked about how good that made him feel, and you could just see the joy all over his face.

What an amazing lesson from a 6 year old. At times when we gripe and complain about giving our measly 10%, Leviticus 27:30, my son is teaching me that the greatest joy comes when you give it all away!

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