Saturday, November 8, 2008

wfx Houston

Well, I am back from my trip to Houston, TX where I attended the wfx conference. I had a great time learning and checking out the latest gear with Lloyd, Greg, James, Jim, and Linda. I would have to say that the biggest highlight of the trip was getting to see my sister, brother-in-law, and niece. It was my first trip to see them since they moved to Houston. I also enjoyed getting to see Lakewood Church in person. It is a pretty impressive place.

check out the waterfalls on either side of the choir lofts...

here's Joel up close and personal

here we are behind the scenes...

this was a sign that I found in the conference center...couldn't figure this one out...


Anonymous said...

What do you think of Joel's theology? He comes across a little "health and wealth". I'm not a fan of this. Your thoughts?

David Cox said...

Agreed...I've always thought that about him. I went to see the place more than the man. Just wanted to get my eyes on some cool technology. Not a big fan either...With that said, he can bench press 300lbs...I do admire that... :)

Anonymous said...

I bet that was cool to see. I'd like to get out and check out some other people's facilities. I'm close enough to Dallas that I hope to go check out Fellowship Church with Ed Young at some point this next year.