Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What do the Democrats say about McCain?


Anonymous said...

Joe Lieberman is not a Democrat...and really never was. And ask any Democrats he doesn't appeal to Democrats. Actually he doesn't appeal to Republicans either. That's why they didn't select him as VP like McCain wanted to. Plus not many Democrats were watching seeing as how the RNC is getting awful ratings.

David Cox said...

I just love it! Someone leaves a comment and has to do it anonymous. Also, typical, "not many Democrats" watched the RNC. I watched the DNC. Talk about being uninformed. Being uninformed is a direct result of listening ONLY to MY party's interpretation of the other party...typical.

Anonymous said...

More Democrats will watch the RNC when they actually talk about the issues not just scratch each other's back. But wait, "this election isn't about the issues" says McCain's camp. Well, they don't want it to be, that is, since they know they fail on the biggest issues. So let's try to make people forget as much as they can about the economy and the state of our foreign affairs by telling them Palin was very competitive on her high school basketball team and president of the PTA. wow.

David Cox said...

once again...anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Of course, Obama talks all about the issues. At least he mentions what they are. He offers NO solutions. He has no plan. He's just Hitlering us into believing that somehow if he's president he's going magically make everything better. I can't wait to have a president who has literally no experience and no ideas.