Sunday, September 30, 2007

Guys and Dolls

Christy and I had the privilege of getting to see Guys and Dolls this past Saturday night at Smyrna First Assembly. Our very own Ron Alley had one of the main roles and he did a GREAT job. Ron showed us a side of him that I have never seen, but now appreciate. We had several folks involved in the production including a long time friend, Andy Upchurch, who was the Music Director. Andy also surprised me with his ability to lead an entire orchestra with great precision. Joshua's 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Coble was also in the show. She did a great job as well. Other's that we knew in the show included, Greg and Alice Baldwin, Gui Bokoles, Sarah Upchurch and Abbie Ebensberger. We were so proud to be so well connected with such a great show. We are looking forward to our next opportunity to experience the quality of a true Broadway Production right here in little ole Smyrna, TN.

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