Sunday, September 30, 2007

Guys and Dolls

Christy and I had the privilege of getting to see Guys and Dolls this past Saturday night at Smyrna First Assembly. Our very own Ron Alley had one of the main roles and he did a GREAT job. Ron showed us a side of him that I have never seen, but now appreciate. We had several folks involved in the production including a long time friend, Andy Upchurch, who was the Music Director. Andy also surprised me with his ability to lead an entire orchestra with great precision. Joshua's 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Coble was also in the show. She did a great job as well. Other's that we knew in the show included, Greg and Alice Baldwin, Gui Bokoles, Sarah Upchurch and Abbie Ebensberger. We were so proud to be so well connected with such a great show. We are looking forward to our next opportunity to experience the quality of a true Broadway Production right here in little ole Smyrna, TN.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Just out for a stroll

Hannah decided that she would take her baby Claire out for a stroll today. Just thought I would share. Poor thing...

Monday, September 24, 2007

Golf Retreat 2007

Well, it's finally come and gone! Our annual golf retreat is in the books! I can't believe that it has already passed. This year was a lot of fun as we took 4 new guys (Micah Huebner, Kyle Goen, Chris Hollomon, Allen Bishop) along with the original group of four (Nathaniel Hale, Jason Stewart, David McCaman, and myself). I wasn't sure how it would all work at first, but in the end, I think it was a great success. Outside of spending time with family, I can't think of much else I would rather do than spend a few days with my closest friends enjoying golf, food, cards, and XBOX. This year was a series of ups and downs for me as I won some rounds of golf (over people I have previously never beat) and lost a few rounds of cards (by people that I have never lost to). Either way it was a fun time. I ending up finishing in the 4th spot out of 8. That is about 4 spots better than I expected. I am already looking forward to next year when I shoot my first round in the 70's and win spades by a margin of 250 or more. To all who went on this trip...thanks for making 2007 a fun trip!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Grass Valley Indigo

This post is sponsored by my Aunt Shelia who has prodded me on to a new post. Sorry so long, but here goes...

Our new production switcher is a gem. The Grass Valley Indigo has been everything and more than was expected. Since making the move our quality has dramatically improved. With all of the scaling and scanning capabilities, the Indigo does away with a lot of outboard gear. The ease of use also makes it valuable to our volunteers who only get to touch it about once a month. Thanks Grass Valley for making an affordable broadcast switcher that is both easy to use and advanced in functionality!