Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Creating Culture

In an earlier post I blogged about engaging culture. One of the areas was that of creating culture:: We can compete for culture by creating culture. In the immortal words of the Italian artist and poet, Michelangelo: criticize by creating. At the end of the day, the culture will treat the church the way the church treats the culture.

We as a church have created just this very thing. We have created a culture where you can dress as you are and not feel out of place. When you think about it, there is really nowhere else you can go and have such a wide variety of dress (without being looked at as though you are CRAZY). Think about it...on any given Sunday in our church you are likely to see a man in a suit shaking hands with some teenager in shorts and flip flops with no thoughts of judgment or disappointment. It's cool that we are in a place where you don't have to be something you are not one day a week. Some weeks I feel like getting a little spiffy for church and other days I just want to feel comfortable. Glory to God that He is not interested in our outward appearance, but ONLY the inward. It's really hard sometimes in our culture to understand that, as all we usually tend to do is look at the outward.


Aims said...

Amen to that! The ability to worship freely often extends from the freedom to relax and be who God created you to be.

Anonymous said...

Double-amen! That's something I'll always appreciate about FBC Smyrna.