Monday, April 30, 2007

Fun with Photo Booth

Well, my new MacBookPro came in today and I am as busy as ever trying to update/install all the programs that will be used on it. I will be using the latest version of Parallels, and running Windows in conjunction with Mac OSX. It really is pretty impressive. I will be moving my PC out of my office for good and going to a Mac only world. Hard to believe it finally came to this. Anyway, the kids and I took a few minutes tonight to play around with one of the programs on the new book. Enjoy the pics!


Alison B. said...

yay for mbp's!
mine is permanently attached to my hip.

Micah Huebner said...

They look just like you.

Anonymous said...

That is priceless! I certainly hope you plan to keep those for blackmail purposes once they start dating!!

Anonymous said...

This looks just like something YOUR mimi would do...they definitely got some of her genes!