Tuesday, March 6, 2007


If you haven't already, you should consider making Google your homepage. Below are 3 of my top reasons for using Google as my homepage:
1. It loads VERY fast!
2. It is a search engine! (duh!)
3. It now sports a fancy login capability that allows you to customize content.

I'll speak on the last one as the others are self-explanatory.

In this relativily new age of sharing information and more of it, it's getting tougher to organize all of the thoughts that are coming our way. From instant weather, to headlines, to blogs and email, information is pouring in faster than we can gather it. If we don't create some type of container to hold and organize all of this STUFF, it can tend to be more frustrating than helpful.
Google has always done a great job of being simple. I think we all know by now that simple is almost always better. You can now create a user profile for your Google homepage and login wherever you are. You can add content like crazy...and most importantly, it's EASY to use.

For example:
My sister recently began blogging. She lives in Texas and keeping up with her blogs is really the only communication I get other than holidays and an occasional special event. Rather than checking her blog everyday to see if she posted something new, I just subscribed through my Google account and now whenever she posts something new, it shows up on my Google homepage. I also use this same process to keep up with all the staff guys and their blogs. Jason Stewart also blogged about other ways to do this. Check it out.

Second: (this is really cool)
The ability to add content by just clicking on the 'add stuff' link at the upper right of the screen. One of the coolest features I've found so far is the TODO list. I will create a todo list at home on my Google homepage, and when I get to work the next day it is sitting right there on my screen when I open Google at my desk.

If you are trying to keep up with information overload, give Google a shot.

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