Monday, July 14, 2008


I have yet another cool little piece of technology that has invaded my life. It's called Jott. Every time something new comes along, I'm generally skeptical at first. Is it really gonna work, is it worth the trouble, how useful will it really be? Well, I can tell you that Jott is amazing. Basically, all you do is call 1-(866) JOTT-123 and talk. That's right...just talk instead of type. Here are some of the things that I have already done using Jott::

1. sent emails to people while driving (the email, as they get it, appears to come from my current email address and also includes a link if the recpient wants to listen to the actual voice recording)
2. updated my twitter
3. updated my google calendar while on the go (by saying something such as: "meeting with Jason tomorrow at 2:30") When I went to my online calendar, there it was...scheduled for 2:30 on the next day!!!
4. listened back to other people's blogs
5. and many other things that I haven't even checked out yet

And this all by using only my voice. Pretty crazy, but it works amazingly well. Give Jott a just might make your life a little simpler.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Joshua Rides

Well, we are almost at the new house and Joshua is already making the most of the new cul-de-sac. He has just crossed over into the world of bike riding without training wheels. Enjoy the video.

Joshua rides from David Cox on Vimeo.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

great drum solo

different way to play the drums...

Drum Solo. from Dan Masquelier on Vimeo.

Friday, July 4, 2008

2nd annual Fourth of July Cookout

Each year we plan a time for our entire tech crew to get together with our families to eat, play, hang out, and shoot fireworks. This year was no different. Although I was out most of the day, several volunteers pitched in to make the event possible. Thanks to Linda, Danny, James, Lloyd Justin and my wife Christy for making the event go so smooth. This year was a lot of fun as we took turns playing golf on our mini-driving range, horse shoes, volleyball, and 'red-neck' golf (thanks Randy). This year we had a bit of excitement while shooting the fireworks off. One of the fireworks got loaded in sideways and you can see the result below. Thankfully no one got hurt in the making of this picture. Thank goodness for blast shields...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Acafest 2008

It's time for Acafest again, and this year I will be speaking on Worship Technologies. I look forward to reconnecting with Keith Lancaster and being there for as long as possible. With the new house, it's gonna be tough to stay as long as I would like, but those are the breaks. Anyway, if you attended my session and would like the notes, just click here. Also, if you have any questions from the session please feel free to email me here.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Vote for Joshua's School!!!

Hey guys! We are trying to raise some money for Joshua's if you feel inclined, please go here and vote for his school. (besides, two of my favorite kids in the world are starring in the video!!) Big Lots is doing a contest for schools across the nation. We want our school (Thurman Francis Arts Academy) to win, so vote away. You can vote 3 times a day, so come back each day and vote 3 times. I NEVER forward things like this to people in a mass email, but if you are one of those people, I won't get my feelings hurt if you do it to your address book! :)

Once you click on the link above, you will need to do a search by zip code. see pic...

Type in 37167 and then look for this video...

You can watch it, and then vote to the left of the video up to three times!

Thanks for the help!