Saturday, October 6, 2007

Cub Scout Campout

Well, the whole family just got back from a great weekend of camping, cooking, fishing, gun/arrow shooting...that's right...we have officially kicked off Joshua's life into cub scouting. We had a blast experiencing first after first with Joshua. He had a GREAT time as did Hannah. We spent last night in a tent all together. It was fun, but man that ground sure is hard. I think it has gotten harder than when I was a kid. I can't remember it ever bothering me that much before. Oh well, enjoy the pics...

Monday, October 1, 2007

Tooth Fairy

We had an exciting morning today as Joshua lost his first tooth. He can't wait to leave it under his pillow tonight to see what he gets. The tooth has been loose for several days now. He was just wiggling it this morning when it fell out.