Thursday, June 28, 2007

Camp Whatever

Well, I'm back from Camp Whatever! I always have a blast when I get the chance to go. One thing this year that really struck home was how God has gifted our individual staff members in so many different ways. It is only by His Sovereign Will that we have been placed together to accomplish the goals He has set out for us. It is really amazing to see how each person can flourish in his/her own strength, and watch God put it all together into something that glorifies His name. It is with the greatest honor that I count myself as part of the team...a team that God has joined together.
Okay, enough serious's time to show our team in a lighter moment. This is a video of Jason, Nathaniel, Allen, and myself as we teamed up for a friendly game of BBall. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Busy time of year

This past week was VBS! What a great week we had as 32 children gave their hearts to Christ for the first time. It was exciting to see the 800+ people here each day. Tomorrow I leave for Camp Whatever (Student Camp). Last year was my first year to go, and I have been looking forward to this year ever since we got home. It is a great week for students to grow in their relationship with Christ and to connect with other students. I am blessed to be a part of such a great team who seek to honor God with the energy and excellence they each put into what they do. This year we are taking 300 students to Horns Creek. I look forward to what God will do...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Joshua's Birthday

Today was a GREAT day! Joshua celebrated turning 6 to his current favorite theme...Star Wars! One of the highlights was a new bike and his favorite gift was a cool new light-saber. Happy Birthday Joshua! We love you!

Friday, June 8, 2007


Okay, so I am a huge Halo 2 nut! I love to play, but really...I'm not that good. It is a rare treat that I actually beat someone good, so since it happened last night, I thought I would post about it! I won't mention any names, but let me just know who you are! Read it and weep! WOO HOO!!!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Great Story

Check out this great story from our Communications Minister, Jason Stewart, that goes right along with my previous post. We serve a huge God...let's make sure and keep Him out of a box!